Blake Masters Receives Endorsement from Former Senate Candidate Opponent Jim Lamon

Arizona Republican Senate nominee Blake Masters has received an endorsement from a former  opponent Senate candidate, veteran, and businessman Jim Lamon.

“We need to elect a conservative Republican who will vote for American values, secure our border, lower inflation and combat crime on November 8th, join me in voting for Blake Masters,” Lamon said. “I am supporting Blake because Joe Biden and Mark Kelly have been a disaster for America and our great state. We must stop their Marxist agenda and put America and Arizona first.”

In response, Masters said he is thrilled to have the support in a race that will decide Arizona’s future.

“I am thrilled to have Jim Lamon’s support. Jim understands that this will decide the future of Arizona whether we continue down the path of Biden and Mark Kelly’s inflation and open borders or put Arizona back on the path of prosperity, security, and strength,” Masters said.


As reported by The Arizona Sun Times, FreedomWorks hosted the Arizona Senate Forum leading up to the August primary election, where Lamon, Masters, and the other senate candidates spoke about their plans if elected. To end the night, moderator Kim Quintero asked each candidate if they would support the nominee, no matter which of them took the title.

“We must beat Mark Kelly,” said Lamon. “So, the answer is yes. Whatever it takes, Arizona has to stand up and lead this country.”

With this new announcement, Lamon has made good on the promise he made that night.

Arizona Republican gubernatorial candidate Kari Lake commented on the endorsement, saying it does surprise her coming from a great patriot like Lamon.

“This doesn’t surprise me at all. [Jim Lamon] is such an amazing man and a GREAT Patriot. He loves Arizona and he will do anything he can to make sure that Republicans win up and down the ballot. Thank you, Jim,” Lake tweeted.

Lamon also endorses Lake in her governor’s race.

Moreover, Masters unveiled a new TV ad slamming Kelly for leaving the border unsecured, showcasing the pro-border security values Lamon mentioned. In the ad, Masters examines Kelly’s “shopping list,” or priorities, which included voting for the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA), which meant supporting the hiring of 87,000 new IRS agents. However, Kelly voted against an amendment to the IRA which would have prohibited the IRS from hiring new collectors until U.S. Customs and Border Protection hired 18,000 new agents to better secure the border. Masters said Kelly has chosen to keep the southern border unsecured in favor of sending tax collectors after American citizens.

Furthermore, The Sun Times reported that a majority of Arizonans disapprove of President Biden’s performance. An OH Predictive Insights (OHPI) poll found that 55 percent of respondents disapproved of Biden, while 41 percent approved. At the same time, more than 8 in 10 Arizonans have some enthusiasm to vote in the November 8 election. Republicans and Democrats showed equal amounts of enthusiasm.

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Neil Jones is a reporter for The Arizona Sun Times and The Star News Network. Follow Neil on Twitter. Email tips to [email protected].
Photo “Blake Masters with Jim Lamon, Mark Brnovich, Mick McGuire and Justin Wilson” by Kim Quintero.


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